Friday, February 26, 2010

Knox Family Appears on Oprah Winfrey Proclaiming Their Sociopath Daughter's Innocence

Anyone who can confidently claim Amanda is innocent obviously hasn't taken a few minutes to read the other side of the story, it's fairly ignorant to make a statement based on absolutely no facts. Many people seem to think Knox's conviction was based on Anti-American sentiment, that her reputation had been tainted by Italian media, so much so, that it subsequently led to her conviction. WRONG. They tried and convicted Amanda's "boyfriend" Rafaele, who is an Italian citizen. Rafaele was given 25 years. Amanda's sentence was 26 years, an extra year for falsely accusing Patrick Lamumba, local bar owner of African American descent; and oddly enough, her boss! She probably figured he'd be a more believable suspect. If anyone is interested in reading specifc facts on the trial, and want a more accurate perception of who Amanda Knox really is, visit
Don't let The Knox Family's Public Relations firm trick you into supporting a CONVICTED murderer and take attention away from the TRUE VICTIM, Meredith Kercher

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