Friday, March 26, 2010

The Code

Sing yourself a song, or two
Treat every day like it’s anew
Throw a skip in your step when you walk
Look every person in the eyes when you talk
Learn to love big and hate very little
Know that some people’s hearts are brittle
Learn to accept rather than judge
Life is too short, much too short for a grudge
See things in colour, not black and white
Determine what is and is not worth a fight
Practice what you preach and if not, try
Stand your ground when those "wrong" rules you defy
Listen with your heart and not your mind
Don’t let them think you’re weak when you’re kind
Learn when to be gentle, and when to be tough
Know when to play nice, and when to play rough
Never dwell on what could have been done
If an opportunity passes, create a new one
Try to make the best out of terrible circumstances
Forgive and forget, we all need second chances
And remember, just remember each day is a blessing
Because life is a gift that we keep second guessing


As I age
My mind's at this stage
My heart's filled with doubt
Of things I'm not sure about
I'm not sure why I'm here
Rather than there
I'm tired of hearing
Life isn't fair
I too, am guilty
Of saying it much
While dreaming of soil
My feet can't touch
While dreaming of sunshine
On my face
Or even rain
From a different place
Anywhere but here
And they'll say the same
Praying that someday
They'll be rid of their pain
And their pain is far different
From my own
They're in search of shelter
While I face the storm
Am I ungrateful
For wanting more
While others knock
On heaven's door
Destined for a purpose
I can't ignore
My soul wondering
What it's here for
It has a destiny
Of that I'm sure
Because of all
It has endured
Through adversity
It has prevailed
Striven for victory
And yet, has failed
Longing for something
With no territory
It remains unnamed
I rely on my heart
To lead me there
Longing to learn
Something other than despair
It's hard to feel whole
When your soul is empty
Easy to feel alone
When surrounded by plenty
Of people who live
Less consciously than you
And sadly, to themselves
Are untrue
Who are governed by tangible happiness
By which their lives are controlled
But you don't need riches
If you have a heart of gold