Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Operation Injustice

How can this be happening in the millennium
We’re so intelligent, got rocket ships, got Pentiums
We’re so rich, so technologically advanced
So tell me why there’s children
Who were never even given a chance
Never learned to dance, never learned to sing
Never learned to love, only learned to bring-
Unto their own all the hate and rage they bared
Because they’re babies having babies
And no one ever cared
Society helps raise them from the moment of conception
Paying tax dollars because mamma never used contraception
So what do you know about a “hard knock life”
I’ve been living with poverty
Like she is my wife
Poverty’s a bitch
And lady liberty’s a whore
She’s selective
And only liberates those who adore
Her justice system that is so unjust
And these people have the nerve to say “in GOD we trust?”
What do they know about God, or higher powers
Their actions causing controversy
There’s people blowing up towers
Never reevaluating the actions they propose
The blind leading the blind
In a quest to conquer those-
Of rare distinction, they’re inhabitants of rich soil
Call it “Operation Iraqi Freedom”
I’ll call it “Free Oil”

Dedicated to the 58 Iraqi Christians killed during mass in Baghdad

I’m not without sin
So I can’t cast the first stone
But I’m ready to throw a grenade
As we stand here, hearts broken
Crying tears like rivers
Staring at their graves
A community of worship
Stood before God
With the purest of intentions
Victimized by decades of ostracism
Hoping for divine intervention
And on that holy Sunday
These men, women, and children
Gathered peacefully in prayer
Not knowing that some would lose their lives
And others would live in despair
But no one can hear their cries for mercy
They’re overshadowed by the sounds of war
Evil souls exploding in the night
In hopes of knocking on heaven's door
It is he who’ll condemn them
But who will reprimand them
When they believe they have the right to kill
When they hold the fate of others in their merciless hands
And rob them of free will
And who will defend us
When war isn’t within us
And we’re taught to turn the other cheek
When we’ve been silenced for far too long
And are disadvantaged by being meek
And will he forgive me
When there’s love in my heart
But it’s hate that governs my mind
With never-ending questions
And unfulfilling answers
How can this world be so unkind?
We cannot feel powerless
Or be fearful of the cowardice
We’ll never succumb to their defeat
We’ve withstood adversity
Our strength has made history
We’ve always risen to our feet
So united we’ll stand
And never will we fall
Because we have yet to be divided
By mistaking our kindness for weakness
The fire for justice you’ve ignited

Going Green, or Greed?

I went to the Super Store today, not to single them out specifically because it seems as if every major grocery store is charging 5 cents per bag; with the exception of good old Wal Mart, but that's a whole other rant. I had forgotten my reusable shopping bag and was charged the usual 5 cents, which is something I've grown accustomed to doing, and is now something I've become increasingly annoyed with. I know one might say, "just stop forgetting your shopping bag, and you won't have to purchase a bag", but it has absolutely nothing to do with money, it's the principle of the matter. Where is that money going? If we're being forced to purchase bags because we're sometimes absent-minded, and all of these major corporations are "going green", how much of the "green" that we're contributing is actually going to the environment? Research indicates absolutely none. On the contrary, these corporations are even more profitable as a result of this new policy. I'd willingly pay 5 cents per bag if I saw the cashier physically remove the amount I spent on shopping bags, and put it in a little jar with a sticker of planet earth on it. Instead, she deposits it into a slot in her cash till that will inevitably be another digit on someone's paycheque.

In 2009, Target started crediting customers 5 cents per every reusable
bag they used for their purchases. Seems like the perfect concept for
a company that really wants to "go green" without profitable gain in
mind. They're leading by example, others should be as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thank Him Later

It was a highly anticipated event, The OVO festival hosted by Drake, Toronto’s Prince of HipHop, in his hometown on the weekend of Caribana; one of the biggest parades in North America. I initially thought the Molson Ampitheatre would be full of a bunch of scantily clad Degrassi fans, but to my surprise, Drake generated interest from all kinds of people, I’ve never seen a more diverse crowd at a Concert. Given that it was Caribana weekend, a lot of Americans attended, donning T-shirts representing their states/cities, but they were outnumbered by 1 LOVE TO shirts, Toronto pride was the theme that night, and none other than Aubrey Graham AKA Drake was responsible for achieving this feat. This was one of the biggest HipHop venues in Toronto, Cypher Sounds graced us with his presence by hyping up the crowd with one of his famous sets, the concert featured surprise appearances by Rap powerhouses such as Bun B, Young Jeezy, Rick Ross, Fabolous, Toronto’s own Kardinal Offishall, Jay Z and one of the most controversial rappers, by far, Eminem.

Needless to say, the crowd was very receptive to the array of artists featured at the concert, and each time a surprise guest appeared the reaction of the crowd was so overwhelming that it would even temporarily tune out the music. I’ve attended many concerts, I’ve seen many of the abovementioned rappers live, but there was something about this night that made it more memorable than any concert I had ever been to. Hip Hop’s greatest, in my city, paying tribute to the very same rapper who I personally believe is responsible for helping put Toronto on the map, and giving it the long overdue musical credit and recognition that it deserves. Kudos to Drake, and if anyone ever doubted this young man’s potential or abilities, I can assure you that had they attended this concert, they’d become bigger groupies than his wide eyed and overly emotional Degrassi fans.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Code

Sing yourself a song, or two
Treat every day like it’s anew
Throw a skip in your step when you walk
Look every person in the eyes when you talk
Learn to love big and hate very little
Know that some people’s hearts are brittle
Learn to accept rather than judge
Life is too short, much too short for a grudge
See things in colour, not black and white
Determine what is and is not worth a fight
Practice what you preach and if not, try
Stand your ground when those "wrong" rules you defy
Listen with your heart and not your mind
Don’t let them think you’re weak when you’re kind
Learn when to be gentle, and when to be tough
Know when to play nice, and when to play rough
Never dwell on what could have been done
If an opportunity passes, create a new one
Try to make the best out of terrible circumstances
Forgive and forget, we all need second chances
And remember, just remember each day is a blessing
Because life is a gift that we keep second guessing


As I age
My mind's at this stage
My heart's filled with doubt
Of things I'm not sure about
I'm not sure why I'm here
Rather than there
I'm tired of hearing
Life isn't fair
I too, am guilty
Of saying it much
While dreaming of soil
My feet can't touch
While dreaming of sunshine
On my face
Or even rain
From a different place
Anywhere but here
And they'll say the same
Praying that someday
They'll be rid of their pain
And their pain is far different
From my own
They're in search of shelter
While I face the storm
Am I ungrateful
For wanting more
While others knock
On heaven's door
Destined for a purpose
I can't ignore
My soul wondering
What it's here for
It has a destiny
Of that I'm sure
Because of all
It has endured
Through adversity
It has prevailed
Striven for victory
And yet, has failed
Longing for something
With no territory
It remains unnamed
I rely on my heart
To lead me there
Longing to learn
Something other than despair
It's hard to feel whole
When your soul is empty
Easy to feel alone
When surrounded by plenty
Of people who live
Less consciously than you
And sadly, to themselves
Are untrue
Who are governed by tangible happiness
By which their lives are controlled
But you don't need riches
If you have a heart of gold

Friday, February 26, 2010

Knox Family Appears on Oprah Winfrey Proclaiming Their Sociopath Daughter's Innocence

Anyone who can confidently claim Amanda is innocent obviously hasn't taken a few minutes to read the other side of the story, it's fairly ignorant to make a statement based on absolutely no facts. Many people seem to think Knox's conviction was based on Anti-American sentiment, that her reputation had been tainted by Italian media, so much so, that it subsequently led to her conviction. WRONG. They tried and convicted Amanda's "boyfriend" Rafaele, who is an Italian citizen. Rafaele was given 25 years. Amanda's sentence was 26 years, an extra year for falsely accusing Patrick Lamumba, local bar owner of African American descent; and oddly enough, her boss! She probably figured he'd be a more believable suspect. If anyone is interested in reading specifc facts on the trial, and want a more accurate perception of who Amanda Knox really is, visit
Don't let The Knox Family's Public Relations firm trick you into supporting a CONVICTED murderer and take attention away from the TRUE VICTIM, Meredith Kercher